Filmer Consultants

Manufacturers and distributors of natural, safe and effective skin care for all your family…at a price much less than you would expect to pay!

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Good News Travels fast!

At least that’s the case with Dreamy Dreamy moisturising cream and the effect it is having on people with skin problems including eczema and psoriasis.

“I am writing to thank you for your wonderful cream DREAMY DREAMY. My 2 year old little girl has suffered from eczema on her legs and buttocks for 3 months with no results from the usual steroid creams. My mother-in-law was able to purchase many containers of your cream for the whole family to try.

At first I thought ‘here we go again’, another unsuccessful cream. Then during the next two weeks the eczema started to disappear. So by the time her appointment came for the dermatologist, her eczema was history.

My own mother has now started using it for skin blemishes on her arms from sun damage. She is also getting results and is desperate to know if you sell your product in the Perth metropolitan area and if “DREAMY DREAMY’ comes in a bigger container.

Thank you again for your wonderful product and I look forward to hearing back from you in regards to if you sell your product in Perth”

Mrs Marion Dowsett
South Lake, Western Australia

“I bought a tube of your moisturiser at the Dowerin Field Day… at the time you mentioned that other customers had told you that they had used it on their Psoriasis but, after rubbing dozens of lotions and potions onto my psoriasis over the last 30 years I just used it as a moisturizer on my face and it was wonderful. In early October I had a medical scare and a week or so later I noticed a patch of Psoriasis on my right cheek… anyway I continued to use your moisturiser on my face and, to my delight, the patch of Psoriasis not only didn’t get bigger, it disappeared quite quickly.

It was a that point that I decided to use it on two large patches of Psoriasis on my inner knee area… these patches are about 4 inches by 4 inches and they have been there for at least 20 years. Since using the cream they are looking much better, they’re far from being gone, but the layers of skin aren’t building up (i.e. it’s not scaly) so, cosmetically, it looks better and I can see a definite improvement… some areas of the patches are looking quite normal. I figure that since these patches have been there for so long it stands to reason that they will take longer to go away.

I have now just about run out of cream so can you please let me know how much it will cost to mail me a tub to Wyalkatchem. I will be happy to keep you informed about my progress if you would like me too.”

Wyalkatchem, Western Australia

Filmer Consultants
PO BOX 626
Katanning WA 6317 Australia

Tel: +61 8 9821 5004
Free Call: 1800 456 424
Fax: +618 9821 5156